Table of Contents
1. Accessing MySQL (back to top)
Accessing MySQL on the command line
log into your workstation
edit .alias in vi
% vi .alias
enter the following in vi:
alias mysql /users/science/wilfred/local/mysql/bin/mysql
save and quit vi editor
(The last three steps need to be performed only once.)
% source .alias
% mysql -h multivac
log into multivac (used to be spirit)
ssh multivac
and type:
% source .alias
% mysql
The database that you can use is the same one as your username, plus samp_db (currently, more may be granted later).
You may create tables, drop tables, etc. inside your own database. samp_db or others which you may browse may not be deleted, or dropped.
Accessing MySQL from any machine
Your_Shell% mysql -h -u wbluhm --password="" wbluhm(This assumes that you have the client installed on your machine and the PATH set properly.)Executing MySQL scripts on the command line (outside of MySQL)
% mysql wbluhm < myscript.sql % mysql -t wbluhm < myscript.sqlAccessing MySQL from Perl or Java APIs
Perl Example: # queries the books table in database wbluhm on multivac use DBI; use strict; my ($dsn) = ""; # data source name my ($user_name) = "wbluhm"; # user name my ($password) = ""; # password my ($dbh, $sth); # database and statement handles my (@ary); # array for rows returned by query # connect to database $dbh = DBI->connect ($dsn, $user_name, $password, { RaiseError => 1 }); # issue query my $query = qq{ SELECT title, author, comment FROM books WHERE topic="Java" }; $sth = $dbh->prepare ( $query ); $sth->execute (); # read results of query, then clean up while (@ary = $sth->fetchrow_array ()) { print join (" | ", @ary), "\n"; } $sth->finish (); $dbh->disconnect (); exit (0);
Java Example: // queries the books table in database wbluhm on multivac import java.sql.*; public class JavaBooks { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Class.forName("").newInstance(); } catch (Exception E) { System.err.println("Unable to load driver"); E.printStackTrace(); } try { Connection C = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://","wbluhm",""); Statement Stmt = C.createStatement(); ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery ("SELECT title, author, comment " + " FROM books WHERE topic=\"Java\""); while ( { System.out.print("\"" + RS.getString(1) + "\""); System.out.print(" by " + RS.getString(2)); System.out.println(": " + RS.getString(3)); } C.close(); RS.close(); Stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException E) { System.out.println("SQLException: " + E.getMessage()); System.out.println("SQLState: " + E.getSQLState()); System.out.println("VendorError: " + E.getErrorCode()); } } }
2. Creating Tables (back to top)
Basic commands on mysql command line:
% mysql mysql> SHOW DATABASES; mysql> USE wbluhm; mysql> SHOW TABLES; mysql> CREATE TABLE dummy ( first_name CHAR(20) , last_name CHAR(20) ); mysql> SHOW TABLES; mysql> DESCRIBE dummy; mysql> DROP TABLE dummy; mysql> SHOW TABLES; mysql> exit; %Creating tables from .sql scripts
SQL script example: create_books.sql -- creates the table books in database wbluhm CREATE TABLE books ( title CHAR(50) NOT NULL, author CHAR(30) NOT NULL, publisher CHAR(30), topic CHAR(20), comment CHAR(100), price FLOAT )
% mysql wbluhm < create_books.sqlFor more examples, see some of the scripts from the samp_db database in
/users/science/wbluhm/mysql/create_*.sqlColumn types
Some basic column types:
Complete table of all column types on
3. Inserting Data (back to top)
Basic commands on mysql command line:
% mysql mysql> USE wbluhm; mysql> SELECT * FROM books; mysql> INSERT INTO books -> VALUES ("My Life", "Mickey Mouse", "Disney", -> "Biography", "What can I say?", 9.95); mysql> SELECT * FROM books; mysql> DELETE FROM books WHERE title="My Life"; mysql> SELECT * FROM books; mysql> exit; %Inserting data with .sql scripts:
SQL script example: populate_books.sql -- populates the books table INSERT INTO books VALUES ("MySQL", "Paul DuBois", "New Riders", "MySQL", "Excellent book, but doesn't cover Java API", 49.99); INSERT INTO books VALUES ("Beginning XML", "David Hunter", "Wrox", "XML", "Well recommended, fairly comprehensive", 39.99); INSERT INTO books VALUES ("Java How to Program", "Paul Deitel", "Prentice Hall", "Java", "Good textbook, extremely detailed", 68.00); INSERT INTO books VALUES ("Thinking in Java", "Bruce Eckel", "Prentice Hall", "Java", "Well written, free on the web", 0.00); INSERT INTO books VALUES ("The Java Programming Language", "Ken Arnold", "Addison Wesley", "Java", "Considered to be from the source", 37.95); INSERT INTO books VALUES ("Learning Perl", "Randal Schwartz", "O'Reilly", "Perl", "Not a bad start", 29.95); INSERT INTO books VALUES ("Programming Perl", "Larry Wall", "O'Reilly", "Perl", "Usually considered THE reference", 44.95); INSERT INTO books VALUES ("Effective Perl Programming", "Joseph Hall", "Addison Wesley", "Perl", "Great tips, not for beginners", 34.95);
% mysql wbluhm < populate_books.sql % mysql wbluhm mysql> SELECT * FROM books; mysql> DELETE FROM books; mysql> SELECT * FROM books; mysql> exit; %Inserting data from files
data file: MySQL Paul DuBois New Riders MySQL ... 49.99 Beginning XML David Hunter Wrox XML ... 39.99 ... Effective Perl Programming Joseph Hall Perl ... 34.95
% mysql mysql> USE wbluhm mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/users/science/wbluhm/mysql/' -> INTO TABLE books -> FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' -> LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' -> IGNORE 0 LINES -> (title, author, publisher, topic, comment, price); mysql> SELECT * FROM books; mysql> exit; %4. Querying Data (back to top)
Basic commands on mysql command line:
% mysql mysql> USE wbluhm; mysql> SELECT * FROM books; mysql> SELECT title, price -> FROM books -> ; mysql> SELECT title, author -> FROM books -> WHERE topic="Java"; mysql> SELECT title, author, price -> FROM books -> WHERE topic="Java" -> ORDER BY price; mysql> SELECT title, author, price -> FROM books -> WHERE topic="Java" -> ORDER BY price DESC; mysql> USE samp_db; mysql> SHOW TABLES; mysql> DESCRIBE president; mysql> SELECT last_name, first_name, birth -> FROM president -> WHERE death IS NULL -> ORDER BY last_name; mysql> DESCRIBE student; mysql> DESCRIBE absence; mysql> SELECT, -> FROM student JOIN absence -> WHERE student.student_id = absence.student_id; mysql> exit; %Querying data with .sql scripts:
SQL script example: select_java_books.sql SELECT title, author, price FROM books WHERE topic="Java" ORDER BY price;
% mysql wbluhm < select_java_books.sql % mysql -t wbluhm < select_java_books.sqlQuerying data from APIs
5. References (back to top)
- Full on-line documentation on
- "MySQL" by Paul DuBois, New Riders (list price: $49.99) - book link on
Wolfgang Bluhm, SDSC, October 2000